Today's Scripture

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Let My People Go - Exodus 10-12

A perfect example of a leader having so much pride that they would rather destroy a nation than submit to God... Welcome to America now.  


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Using The ZoomNotes App to Journal My Daily Bible Reading

I’ve decided to try and do a daily Bible reading and “journal” as I go...  I don’t know how successful I will be but I am hoping that this will be a form of accountability... I hope.  You can tell by the long, long times between posts I need some kind of help!

In the past I have drawn directly in my Bible.  I did love doing that but the supplies take over my space!  And, traveling can be a nightmare!  

Enters digital journaling.... I LOVE IT!  One iPad and one app is all you need!  ZoomNotes is that app. It makes journaling FUN! and so EASY!

This is yesterday’s reading (which I did today).... I spent all day yesterday drawing different characters and saving them as “symbols” for future use.  

There is so much hope for Christians in reading about the ten plagues God put Egypt through before the Pharaoh finally freed them to leave.  NONE of the ten touched the Israelites, imagine that!  There was a hedge of protection around them!  I stood on that knowledge the last time the Democrats ruled over America... so I have no fear this time.  It breaks my heart seeing my beloved country being destroyed one pen stoke at a time....but God...

From Yesterday... getting ready:


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Faux Tile Made Using ZoomNotes

These days I am spending all my time learning to use an App on my iPad called ZoomNotes.  It is a CRAZY powerful app that only costs $7.99!!!!  (as of today) It is without a doubt, one of the most powerful apps available out there but as such it takes a while to learn it!  But I LOVE IT!!!

I would love to tell you what it does but that would take forever!  I use it as a .pdf annotator, but it pretty much replaces the need for at least 10 other apps!

Anyway, this week I felt like just playing and I drew this after seeing a real tile letter on Pinterest.

Friday, January 10, 2020


It has been a very very long time since I posted because quite frankly I haven't done much doodling. BUT, I just got an iPad in December and I've been learning how to draw on a piece of glass...try it, it isn't easy! I have done plenty of praticing but no results that worth posting here!

ANYWAY, I use a package called Procreate that is a crazy awesome tool.  Earlier in the week, because of all that is going on in the world (Iran stuff) I felt an urgency to one more time again say PEOPLE GET READY!  JESUS IS COMING!!!  and the Lord gave me an idea of how to say it:

But, I wasn't thrilled with the results....I knew what I wanted but I didn't know how to make it happen.

Weeeeeellll.... enters the Holy Spirit ....

This morning I woke up and I KNEW how to make it happen!  No thinking about it, I just knew... GOD IS SO COOL!!!!   here ya go:

The first one wasn't urgent enough, I wanted Him lining the piece up putting it in place!  Because that is exactly what is happening right now!  If we aren't seeing Ezekiel 39/39 happening right before our very eyes then ????!!!!  He is lining the piece up!

If you want to understand how Iran fits into the end times then start following Jack Hibbs on YouTube.  He is a pastor in California and explains it better than anyone I have heard.  This was his sermon last Sunday where he explains it:

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Coloring Pre-Drawn Stuff ... "Inspire Psalms"

I have taken some time off of drawing lately and have just been coloring in a few books that have been given to me as gifts and others that I bought myself.  Coloring is hard for me, I have so much trouble choosing color combinations that I am happy with.  Yes, I know I can find "Color Combos" on Pinterest but then where do I use what color ? ? ?  It all makes my head hurt.  So I have decided to practice for a while.

This morning I 'googled' the "Inspire Psalms" to see how other people have colored pages from the book and discovered, there are no examples, so here ya go...some that I have finished.  Maybe if I start posting the finished ones I will finish more.

Just a note: When I first got the book I made the decision to be consistent throughout the book and make any reference of the Lord yellow/orange so I did that first, I went through the whole book coloring those now I am stuck with that decision and yellow is a required element of my color combinations ...  hummmm :-/

Monday, March 25, 2019

James 3:4-18

I debated with myself about even showing this page because of the Hillary reference, but you know what, it was the most perfect example of 

James 3:14-15 English Standard Version (ESV)

14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
Sure, there are PLENTY other people that would qualify, but the fact that she still whines that the election was stolen from her...2.5 years later speaks volumes and fits the verses perfectly. 

My old drawings of this verse don't come close to a picture that would bring immediate understanding to the picture.


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