Today's Scripture

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I went to see brave today and I came home wanting to draw that CUTE little girl..... FAIL!!!

Not only does her  face not look like her, I was nowhere near the kind of mood to draw all that hair!

Not even close!  I think she turned out to be a cute little girl.....but do you see how funky her nose looks? there is a great big scar?   Well that's not the drawing...that's a wrinkle in the paper! (see the next closeup  .... more proof I really need to use watercolor paper!   I have it, not sure why I keep grabbing for the drawing pad!  The good news is, the real picture isn't nearly as extreme as the "picture of the picture" is... this iPad magnifies issues and I'm not savy enough with it yet to adjust things.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

How Many Mistakes Can You Make On One Picture!?

As easy as the last watercolor was, this was that hard!  Every single thing screwed up!  But the good news is it was an excellant exercise in "how do I fix that?!"   Good exercise!

The really amazing thing is that even though it was a watercolor I was able to fix most of the problems.
I really wish I would have taken pictures of each problem because it was a MESS!

Lessons learned: ( I just made solutions up as I went hoping they would work!  no clue how to really do it!

- if you are going to use watercolors you really should use watercolor paper!  I was just "playing" so I  drew it on the back of a messed up piece of Drawing paper.  That works "ok" if no mistakes are made, but it started to wear thin the more I worked on mistakes.

The way I fixed most of the mistakes was to just add lots of water and hopefully it will pull the paint out and spread, I also blotted with a tissue... HAVE A TISSUE CLOSE!

Even though 95% is actual watercolor I fixed a lot of the problems with color a WHITE pencil was wonderful!  I was able to color over the misshapped eyebrows with the white.

The one thing I didn't fix very well was the colored cheeks.  When I first put the color on it was a DEEEEEP red!  shocking!  Panic!  Thankfully most of it washed off but the paper started to roll up and get thin so I stopped before I made a hole in the paper.  Its good enough for what it is though... the back side of another mess I made with a pen!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Peerless Watercolors

This morning the first thing I did when I woke up was read my email....pretty sad when you can do that without even lifting your head off the pillow!

One of the emails mentioned how Jill Davenport makes a pallet with her Peerless Watercolors.  Hummm....YEARS and YEARS ago I bought some Peerless Watercolors and never really used them because I didn't want to "run out".  SICK!  But you can see from the price why!


Thing is, I bought them before YouTube existed so there wasn't anyone telling me that they would last forever, even with use!  Click HERE to see the video I watched.

After watching the video I decided to get my lazy self up and find mine and do something with them. Here you go:

I have to admit, I surprised myself with this one...well, I actually surprise myself with everything I draw because I have spent my whole life thinking I can't ... but apparently, with God's help, I can.

This literally took about 5 minutes to do. Sorry, can't explain the green hair except all the painted girls I see out on the web are ALL KINDS of colors!  So, why not green right?  And, I did it using only 4 peerless watercolors + a black pen, and one color pencil for the irises of her eyes (not sure why ???)

AND everything was done sitting right here on my sofa.... watch video, paint, take picture, blog, done!  That's why my little logo has the white box, I haven't loaded the .png file onto the web yet to pull into the iPad.  I LOVE THIS iPad!!!

As always, I saw the flaws better once uploaded to the blog so I worked on it some more by giving her eye makeup.  Mainly because the left eye looked weird... Now she almost looks like a different girl.  Left eye is still kinda weird but I'm afraid to mess with it anymore, watercolor makes me nervous to putz with too much.

Friday, December 7, 2012

She's "THAT" Girl

You know the one....hopefully we all know at least one.... She's the one who is always smiling and happy. (even when you give her REALLY BAD directions to meet you somewhere!)   The one that loves everybody and everybody loves her.  The one you wish you were like.  She's the NUT that will take on any request of help ... even the request to be a dancing box in the Christmas production. 

If you go to Mount Paran Church of God in Atlanta, you know her.

Take a bow please.... 
This year's DANCING BOX!!!  (we think)
Ms. Carol Evans! 

We all love you Carol ...

Added 12/09/12:
She sent me a picture of her trying on her box ....

See what I mean?  That is her face...ALL THE TIME!

Question..... does the placement of those dots make anyone else as crazy as it makes me???  I just want to reach in and move that one large dot down!

You can't tell from the picture but the dots are glittered.  That was MY job....make some dots with glitter (I didn't put them on the box though).

All I did was use my vinyl cutter and before I weeded out the background I sprayed it with glue.... now THAT was a good time!  I didn't realize the tip had some dried up glue blocking the nozzle so the first shot came back at me!  Glue ALL over my shirt, and IN MY HAIR!!!... but I kept moving so everything that was glue on me soon became glitter on me!  I sparkled!

After adding the glue I peeled the STICKY "non-dots" background away leaving just the dots, then I poured on the waste that way.  The dots were then ready to just peel off the paper and slap onto the box.  Quick and easy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Genesis 24-39

I didn't want you to think i had given up on drawing my Bible reading. It is going slower than I wanted but life keeps getting the way. Here is what I have so far for page 2 of 52.

And, last night I finished up my Pinterest Doodle Journal....well, as far as I'm going before I make copies to give to friends for my birthday this Wednesday. I am the world's worst when it comes to other people's birthday so I'm going to start a new tradition of giving them gifts on MY birthday. Not too sure how much they will like that plan but gonna give it a try....better than nothing right???

Anyway, here is another something from it that I did last night.

Just so you know, I am trying to do this post entirely with my iPad from picture taking the above to typing it far there are 3 apps involved....I don't have a clue what it will look like! Fingers crossed.....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Since Thanksgiving...More Journal frames.

Hi All! 

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone since last I checked in.... I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I sure did. I got together with a friend and her family. We have been friends for 35 years but I haven't seen her kids in about 15 years so it was good to see them all again. 

Another fun thing about the day was we went to an auction and I bought an iPad!!!  YES!!!   That wasn't even on my "one day" list because there are other priorities...but I got it for only $250! God is good! Yes he is! 

Since then I have been looking for, and playing with different apps. So far my favorite is called "Library". It is bar-code scanning software that stores all items you scan into different folders you create.   I love it because I am scanning all of the watercolor crayons that I am buying one at a time... now I can carry the iPad to the store with me and know exactly what I already have! Gotta love that! No typing, just scanning.  Good app!  

But you guys aren't here for all my words so I'll show a few more things from my doodle journal...

The next one started with the "boards" at the top then it sat there waiting.   I then saw the dresses on the mannequins and added those....suddenly I had a shop window so I added the hats and necklaces in the background...all from Pinterest. 

I mentioned the following in the video.  I finished the chickens and put a cloud around the face instead of just leaving it a face for the frame.

I still have three frames left to put something in so all is is not done yet.


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