Today's Scripture

Monday, April 30, 2012

I Babysat!!!

If you need proof that I'm a Christian, you go, I BABYSAT for a friend Sunday!!!  MERCY!!  OK, NOT something that I would ever volunteer for but when I'm asked point blank... "Will you?"  I have no choice... this is the scripture that always pops in my head:

James 4:  17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.   

GROOOOAN... that one gets me every time!

Anyway, anyway... when I took her up to her room for a nap she "read" a book to me called "A Chicken in the Kitchen".  I told her that while she was asleep I would draw a chicken for her....I did the chicken and then decided to try and draw her so that the chicken wasn't just "there" hanging out by himself.  When she woke up she came down and knew exactly who I was trying to draw.  So, I brought it home and colored it and made a little wall hanging for her:

So, that's the picture for today... Jennifer doing the chicken, it isn't an exact likeness, but Jennifer knew who it was!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The "IF" Key to Every Promise


A while back I wanted to find a scripture about the Lord blessing the works of our hands... I know they are there, just not exactly where, so I did the trusty word search on Biblegateway.  There are several but
Deuteronomy 28: 12 "The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none."
was the one I was looking for.  Gotta love it!

But, I know that with every promise comes an "IF" statement ... "IF you do this, THEN I will do  that...."    I don't think most people realize that.  They go in search of the promise but never seek out the conditional "IF".  It's always there.  This time it was back in verse 1 and 2 and again in verse 13

If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God:
13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.
There are a lot of promises that go with that "IF" :

  •  3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
  • 4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed,and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
  • 5 Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.
  • 6 You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. 
  • 7 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. 
  • 8 The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
  • 9 The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways.
  • 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they will fear you.
  • 11 The LORD will grant you abundant prosperity—in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your forefathers to give you.
  • 12 The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.
  • 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

Remember to always look for the

IT is the key to the promise.

To Sell:
2 Sterling Silver Charms, keys and treasure chest!
2 SS charms $8.50 (S/H incld. USA only)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rethinking the Flower

Back to my little happy flower....

I decided that I would go ahead and give her a body instead of waiting on a name or word.  I had actually drawn her then cut her out without gluing her down for the last picture so I just needed to do the same thing with the stem...draw/color/cut/glue.  WAY easier to do it that way than to try and draw directly to the board!

The yellow frame is Pan Pastels...LOVE LOVE those things for quick, bold color! I have all the colors (what a waste!) but my "go to" colors almost every time is the bright yellow with a touch of red.

Friday, April 27, 2012


I woke up this morning with Matthew 7:23 repeating over and over so that resulted in today's post... (no cute little flowers today!)

There are a few verses in the Bible that really scare me... Matthew 7:21is one of them:

If you read it in context it is even worse!  

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Then there's the whole chapter of Matthew 25.

Basically, just saying a prayer, and going to church every Sunday IS NOT ENOUGH!  That's what scares me... to think that there are folks that believe that is enough.  You will know you are saved IF YOU DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER!   Find out what His will is....   You have to know what God's will is in order to do it... Seek that and DO IT! 

The thing that most concerns me now is so many people that call themselves Christian (and believe they are) but they act like, and are friends, with the world!  NOT OK!!!  Read James 4:4.  Christians sin on purpose! God hates sin and if you continually choose to sin, and it is a choice, you KNOW when you might want to reevaluate your salvation.  Don't ask another person, read the Word yourself and let that be your guide.  

I know! I know!  not the most pleasant post, but I pray about people that follow me and ask the Lord to send those that can receive what He wants said through, I say it and trust that the Lord will do what needs to be done so that you will receive it.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just A Happy Little Flower

That's it so far...just a happy little flower waiting on a name or some words to fill the space.  

I drew her with a Ultra Fine Sharpie then colored her with Barn Red Distress Ink (AWESOME REDS!) and a yellow and orange color pencil because they don't really have a good yellow distress ink.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Trying Out My New Caran d'Ache Neocolor II

Before I talk about what I did today I wanted to mention:

Yesterday, after my automatic email went out I decided I wanted to say more about what I had, if you get that automatic email you might want to see what I added.

One thing I have decided to do is start including pictures of what I use to create and color.  The easiest way I know to do that is to show the Amazon version of it because it shows a picture and a price...LOVE THAT!  Yes, if you click on the link and make a purchase I get some small something for it (never gotten anything yet so it has to be TINY TINY!)  But, we all know that you can get a lot of things with coupons at local stores ... by all means do that!  I do.  But if you are going to purchase through Amazon anyway, I would certainly appreciate the help!  

Just so you know, the reason I use different things to color and draw with is that I am getting more and more different products from Blitsy for free, I wouldn't think to buy them if I weren't...though I am LOVING what I have gotten so far!  The colors I used today are AWESOME for watercoloring! (wish I had all the colors)

Now for today's thing.....

Today I decided to do something REALLY quick and easy using some of what I was happy with yesterday... the rounded tubes that look like they are going up and are getting smaller as they go up....kinda messed that up with the green and purple one...shoot!  But, that would probably be an easy fix since I made the background all black...just go on the edges with the black.  The plan was to fill in all the spaces with more doodles but I thought the black would make the color pop more annnnnd... truth be told,  I wanted to move on to practicing my lettering.

Oh!  One more thing, I am not mentioning the paper because it is a CHEAP, CHEAP book I bought last week that started falling apart before I drew the first thing!  ARGH!!!  It wasn't worth the trouble to take it back and I like the size so I'm just letting the pages fall out and using them that way.

What I Used Today:

I actually got my Caran d'Ache Neocolor II free from Blitsy.

1. Drew with Sharpie
2. Colored the whole tube with Neocolor II then painted over the color with the water in the waterbrush to spread it.
3. Painted the stripes with the Dr. Ph. Martin's using the waterbrush again
4. Went back over the edges of the tubes with a darker shade of the Neocolor to add shading
5 Filled in with the black Copic

Note: I used the Dr. Ph. Martins for the darker rings because I didn't feel I had enough variety of color with of the Caran ... I only have 15 colors and I wanted more contrast than I could get with the colors I had.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Just Filling Up A Sheet Of Paper

Not a whole lot to say about this one....I was just trying to fill up a page with something...always fun to do because I see some things I want to do again and other things that are like...why???.

As always, there was the age old question of "Do I color it?"    I have gotten so many different things this year to color with I figured I needed to use some of them!  This time I decided to go with plain color pencils... the set of
(ou!  that "best price" is a GREAT PRICE)

but I got mine for free from Blitsy.  I actually quiet like them... but thing is, I always want ALL of the colors of something so I felt limited in choice....hummmm... I don't see any green, so that is obviously not one of my "go to" colors!  When I was completely done I went around the edges with a brown pencil to give it more of a 3D look... it almost looks like a cut mat huh?(except for the goober on the right side... well that, and who would ever cut a mat shaped like this?!)

You know, I have really been taking the lazy way out for all these posts... maybe I'll try to do better with showing what I used from now on.... sorry, I have been really lazy!.... with that in mind... I also used the smallest Pitt Pen from this set:

I love this set because of the choice of sizes and they are waterproof so I don't have to worry about them running when I use watercolors.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Distress Re-Inkers

You may....or may not... have noticed that I have been MIA for over a week.  I have been WORKING!!!  I made 2000 mirrors, 600 felt flower pins and 14 pendant and hoop signs! ALL IN ONE WEEK! BUSY!  Unfortunately, I didn't take any camera wasn't around so I just didn't bother....  Listen, all I could think about was getting them out of my house!

All that to say, that gave me a little extra money so I bought all (I think) of the Distress Ink pads and re-inkers.  LOVE! LOVE!  So, today I finally got a chance to doodle again!  Been missing it!

Here I just printed the words out and started painting with the re-inkers.  I then went back over the black lines with one of my parallel pens.... Sorry they are kinda messy, but hey, you guys are use to that by now with me, right?  Just doing to to have busy hands, not a piece of wall hanging art.  It helped me to see what each color looks like....and what will be my favorite (mahogany, for sure)

What I Used:
Comet Negative TTF - white fill/ black outline
All the Distress Reinkers I have
Applied with my water fill brush (LOVE!):

 The 1.8 Parallel Pen w/ black ink (this ink does run so use after you are finished with all the color ):

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This Weekend

This is actually a post from my other blog from last year.  This past week has been such a blur that I have just barely been online at all... I am making product for a woman's event for a local church so I have done little else.  ... 2000 mirrors and 600 fabric flowers! (so far...banners next week)

BUT, THIS WEEKEND is the most important of the year and I can't let it go by without a mention!  I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner! 

This Weekend...

This Weekend ... is an incredibly IMPORTANT, SPECIAL weekend... and it has nothing to do with bunnies, chocolate or eggs.

This Weekend ...  represents the weekend my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, began the torturous path to the cross where he bled and die then rose again.

This Weekend ... is too important to just let this blog stay vanilla and not mention my love and hope in Jesus Christ.  I can't just let it go by without mention.

Jesus came into this world to save all of us from our sins and from a future without God, in Hell.... so, if you don't currently know that as a fact then,

This Weekend ... could be your last on the path to that horrible future.  Just pray to God that He will show you the truth, and HE WILL!

I have a FREEBIE .pdf file of a couple of Easter cards.

Click HERE to download
You will need to 

  1. download it, 
  2. print Page 1 
  3. reinsert that page into the printer so that you can 
  4. print Page 2 on the back.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Make Money by Blogging???

I explain the ONLY way I have figured out further down the page....

I know you guys are probably sick of me singing Blitsy's praises...BUT!  Give me one more shot...

Last week I ordered SIX bottles of 

Ranger - Gold Pearl Liquid Pearls...this, only in GOLD for $1.75 each. (Still on sale until Wednesday at midnight...while supplies last.)

Well, the picture was PITIFUL!  I was expecting a creamy beige, because of the picture...but look at what I got... 

WHAT A HAPPY SURPRISE!!!  I LOVE IT!!!  They really do look like nail heads...don't judge too harshly by MY PITIFUL photo version... I just scanned the canvas board with my scanner and that's always a crap shoot...They are actually more like metal gold that this shows but I think you get the idea.

I ordered six for a couple of reasons.  I thought I was going to need something for a large order I THOUGHT I was going to have to fill (fell through) and because I got them FREE!!!!  Now I am just so glad I that got so many (and plan to order more before Wednesday if there are any left!) ...I'm also gonna order black and some other colors as well, now that I see how I can use them.  I have been wanting to add brads to my canvas boards but this is Soooooooo much easier! hole punching!  I know, this stuff has been around forever (these are new colors though) but I just never thought to use them in this way.  And I credit Blitsy for that because I have gotten 4 or 5 different products that I didn't know even existed and then once I had them the ideas started flying.


I have tried for a couple of years now to figure out how to make blogging pay.  I figure there must be some money in it somewhere...with all those blogs out there advertising for so many companies!  So, I gave that a try...I became an affiliate and plastered my screens with FREE (to them) advertising!  I did it for a couple of months before I realized THAT DOESN'T PAY!  Seriously!  How many blogs do you go to, click on an ad and buy something then?  THAT is the only way to make a few PENNIES!  So, I took all that mess off,  I HATE the clutter of tons of ads on a blog, so not gonna do it.  Until NOW.  Blitsy is SO WORTH THE SPACE and I totally recommend you adding it to your blog!  It is SO SIMPLE and you get INSTANT payback! waiting until those few pennies grow into $25, if they ever do.

How it works:
1. Click MY link (so I can get credit :-) which will take you to a FREE sign up screen.  
By you clicking on MY LINK your name is added to my list of people that found Blitsy because of me.  YOU don't have to do anything else for me to have you on my list. Then, the first time you order any amount I will get $10 store money!!!  WHAT?!!!  How cool is that?!  Even cooler is that YOU CAN START EARNING the $10 as well... right away!  Seriously (I had $70+ credit my first day!!!)

2.  Once you have created an account go to "My Account" and you will see a line of code that was created especially FOR YOU!  It is there immediately, no waiting!

3. You want to copy that code and use it on YOUR blog the same way I have.  I put it in the right menu bar... and I have used it on every link I mention in the text. 

That's it!  People will go to your blog, click on your link and your list starts to grow....and you can start shopping FOR FREE with your Funny Money!  All you will have to pay is shipping...and even that is super reasonable... 
Shipping Table

Up to $25$5.95
$25.01 - $50.00$7.95
$50.01 - $100$9.95
$100.01 - Up$11.95

Additional $2.00 per order for HI, AK, & PR   

The thing that adds to the excitement is that there is a new sale every Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday that goes for a week! But you can't wait too long because the sale is only good while supplies last :-( ... I've lost out on some really great stuff because I decided to chance it and see if something comes along that I like better...or to grow my order to make best use of shipping costs. And like now that I have sung the praises of the gold liquid pearls I need to hurry and buy it before you guys buy it all out! OH! and something can't put it in the basket and wait a few days... it will only hold it in the basket for ONE HOUR! PRESSURE! HA! Better than EBAY!

Earnestly Seek Him

This is another one I started in the Chicago Airport, on my SIX HOUR layover!  Gotta love those Koi Watercolors and the water brush!  If you don't have one, you have to get one...LOVE!

The eyes were an afterthought... I just rough cut a couple of circles, added dots and just a tiny bit of glue so that I can take them off.

Its funny how you can think of something different AFTER you see it done.  There is absolutely no rhyme or reason for the background...I just kept trying things that didn't work...first the tiny lines, then add dots to the lines then finally, just add something/anything around the outside ???  Hummmm.... I actually do kinda like the net looking outside edges, you'll probably see that again.   I will probably do this scripture again, only differently.... but here it is, in the meantime.

OH! The scripture is Hebrews 11:6b...almost forgot.

Monday, April 2, 2012

More Ravens

The one on the left was painted with Rangers Crackle paint (Barn Door)...

The one on the right was EVERYTHING!  I couldn't get happy with stuff so I just kept adding and finally gave up!


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