Today's Scripture

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

For You!

Four years ago I did this quick drawing to color...I made it available for free  HERE to anyone that wanted it for Sunday School classes, or whatever. 

Weeeeellll, on a whim I sent the picture to the company that is making my charms to see if they could make one of this. Check out the results!!!  I am SO EXCITED!  Now that I know what can be done I will be doing others soon...she already has two "on the drawing board"  :-) 

Buy it here for only $15 +$2 shipping

".... then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” 
(Acts 4:10, 12)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Today's New Challenge

Today my cousin asked me to create a key-chain for her 8 year old grandson using the "Chosen" charm...oh, and he loves LSU.  Hummmm.... I can not tell a lie, gifts, ANY gifts for men, much less little boys have always been a problem.  I don't "do" male gifts!  But, here I was faced with a challenge.

First I took the ninny way out and showed her this:  (UGH! - zero imagination!)


Brenda said she wanted me to use some leather on it... back to the drawing board.  After 4 failed attempts I finally came up with one that I was happy with to show her.  HIT!  I might have to make one for myself, I like it that much... though I don't care a thing about LSU so the hanging charm will have to be different.

Charm stitched to Leather

If you order this keychain we can "talk" about what you want to hang at the bottom.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Moving In A New Direction .... again.

YIKES!!!  It has been over a year since I posted here!  Life has taken a huge turn so I really haven't had anything to share, but, I just realized that a Facebook Page that I now have (today) is sending folks here!  Gotta say, Facebook still confuses me.

ANYWAY, the change ... I am doing more Jewelry making and far less doodling theses days.  Well, actually, I have taken my doodles into my jewelry design!  How cool is that?!

I have found a company that will manufacture charms for me so that's my new THANG.   I write the words, using my own handwriting and they make it happen! .. Oh, and then I make the final bracelet/necklace/keychain/whatever ...

If you see anything that you want below, please email me at and let's "talk".

AND, please come and "Like" my Facebook Page to stay current with the latest.  I have a charm being made right now that I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT!!!  But, that will follow in another post :-)

Examples of what I have so far:

- "Thy Will Be Done" - a reminder to whisper that prayer when faced with choices and decisions (Matthew 6:10 - from the prayer that Jesus, himself, told us that we should pray)
- "WHATEVER He Says -Do It" - because your future depends on it! very many examples in the Bible of what happens when you do, or don't, do what he says, but Mary is the one that said it here...(John 2 ...Mary tells servants to do whatever Jesus told them because she had faith that he would fix the wine )
- "Chosen" (by God) - reminder that you are so important to God that HE CHOSE YOU! ( Ephesians 1:11 - "In him we were chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will")
- "Handmade" (by God) - reminder that you were no accident - GOD made you, on purpose, and HE had a plan for your life before you were even born! (Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...")
- "Loved" (by God) - reminder that no matter how unloved you feel, GOD loves you! (John 16:27 - Jesus said..."the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and believed that I came from God")
Bracelets or necklaces, antique silver or antique bronze, with or without dangle rhinestone, or "by God" heart. Just $10 each plus $2 S/H (unless you want to pick it up here). This is my opening Facebook price, the price will be more on Etsy.


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