Today's Scripture

Monday, August 27, 2012

Psalm 56:4

I haven't had any time to doodle lately because I'm trying to scan and re-scan old pictures so I can print them out without my little bee....PAIN!  I want to print them out and make a spiral book out of them...but this is taking FOREVER!  May have to rethink that plan!

While looking through my doodle journals I found this... well, actually, just the top part.  All I did was double that then flip it to make the whole frame...then added the scripture using my MFH Dashes and Dots font.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

White on Black

One of my favorite "looks" is an old fashion blackboard with chalk writing... If you follow me on pinterest you'll know that I pin all that I find.  Well today I was  trying to do something in CorelDraw and pushed the "Invert" button and suddenly I had my chalkboard look!  And I wasn't even trying!  Maybe its just me but I think even the mistakes look better in the inverse....

Today I did this one:

1. I did as much as I wanted to on the computer, 
2. I printed it out then doodled around it....

3. I then scanned the doodled version into the computer then Inverted it:

This is one I had already and quickly changed:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

There Is NO "x" in CHRISTmas!

Yes, that is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine and it is getting to be the time of year when I am seeing it again.... so, time for Lady Lizbeth to have some attitude again!

And its time to pull one of my favorite songs out...


Monday, August 20, 2012

Pinterest Please....

Is there anyone else out there that has ideas for Pinterest but don't know how to make them known?  ME! ME!

I have a whole wish list growing in my head but where do I share it/them?  Where do I communicate with Pinterest?  I have tried the Problem "ticket" way, believe me, there is ZERO communication there!  I will make them aware of a bug in the system and a few days later it is "closed"....with ZERO work done and ZERO communication about the issue!  ARGH!!!  I have even tried posting a comment on the blog with ZERO response.

I understand that there are thousands and thousands of users and it would be impossible to reply to every communication, but, at least make a check list of canned answers and check the appropriate one...

Anyway, anyway, I didn't plan to go off like that, I just really wish there was a way to let Pinterest know something without having to do it this way....

My real goal is to ask for the option to choose more than one board to post something to... Like, I just posted some burlap tags to "burlap" but I also have a "tag" board.  I know I can pin it twice but I don't want to fill up the screen that followers see with a bunch of the same picture.  Ya know? 

MFH Poster Doodle ttf used

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Birthday Wishes...

Carmelita is turning 80 so all of her friends are honoring her for her birthday with an 8.5x11 message.  One of her friends asked me to come up with something.  I REALLY love it when they just leave it to me :-)  All she had were the words she wanted and she wanted enough room to add a handwritten message.  So, this is what I came up with, sure how she likes it!!

The only problem is, I never know what to charge for something like this!  It is worth WAY more (just in time spent) than I'm sure she would be willing to pay....Lots of work, little payback :-(  BUT, I learned a few I manually shaped the letters around the oval, and I learned some other things that didn't actually make it to the design but are good to know....soooo, its worth it I guess.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Truth....

Now see, some might call this doodling, but today, the truth is.... its AVOIDING what I don't want to do with what I would rather do!  GUILTY!!!

It REALLY amazes me what you can see when you put something on a blog!  I see now that the dogs eyes and nose are lined up!  ARGH!  Thankfully, the original is in pencil!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Matthew 6:30

Just started with the dandelion to see if I could because it really is a bit tricky...How to make it so that it looks like there are seeds facing you  ???  Not sure if I pulled it off ??  This was what I did before I thought of a scripture to use... I love having a frame that needs text, that means the hard work is already done when I need something quick....

 But then I thought about what I could use and decided on Matthew 6: 30 and had to modify the frame a bit:

The Voice UK, Pinterest and Doodles

Just some things I doodled last night while watching "The Voice UK" on You Tube.  I LOVE "The Voice"!  And I love that the UK version  happened in March/April so the whole thing is ready for watching, problem is, I want to watch them all at once! ... not easy when they are 1.5 hours each!!!  YOUCH!    

Have you guys noticed that the limits on YouTube have changed?  A year ago they couldn't be more than 10 minutes long...but now you can watch whole shows at a one watch (commercial free!  YES!)

While I was watching the show I was also looking through Pinterest and chose one of the pictures on my "God Tangle Doodle" board to doodle ... that's one reason I "pin". 

I LOVE doing frames.  I don't have anything to say within them yet, but they are ready when I have something later.  Love that!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Proverbs 3: 5-6

I really don't have time to doodle today, and no ink in my printer so today it is 100% PC, sorry....but I wanted to do something with a "Trust" scripture, so....

See why I love my hand doodle fonts?!  Great for "no time today" days :-)

OH!  I mentioned yesterday that I had cut my composition book in half and the plan was to stitch cardstock .... here ya go... nope, not exactly half and half....I measured wrong .... oh well....

I have a heavy duty paper cutter so I was able to cut it myself but I would image that Kinkos would cut it for you.  Actually, I would ask them to cut more than one at a time (stacked) so that you only have to pay for one cut.  They have the kind of cutters that will cut through at least a ream of paper at a time so there shouldn't be a problem.  Heck, my manual cutter went through it like butter so their monster machine would have no problem.

Monday, August 13, 2012

In the Middle

Psalm 118:8... the very center verse in the whole Bible.  I love that!  Its all about TRUST again.  Hummmm... I haven't done it on purpose but it looks like I'm going to have to do all the scriptures about trust, the word keeps showing up .... maybe I'll make this whole "new" journal about "Trust"....since that is my word for 2012.... never knew I would need to rely so heavily on it as I have!

Today on Pinterest someone mentioned cutting a composition notebook in half to make two books!   BRILLIANT!!!  Thankfully I have a heavy duty paper cutter so I jumped right on it and made my two books from one....this is a whole page from one of the books....  I LOVE the resulting size.  I personally recommend cutting one with grid paper so you don't have to deal with the top large margin.  

I haven't done it yet, but I will be stitching a patterned cardstock to the outside and inside so that its less obvious what it is ...

AND, just FYI, Staples has composition books on sale for 10cents this week!  Gotta jump on that!

Trust Him

I haven't had a lot of time to just sit and doodle this past couple of weeks, but I did this the other night as a reminder to myself...

Pinterest Pin Pal Party Anyone?

I actually did this a year ago...but I posted it on my other blog.  I wanted to share it here today because I am going to meet one of you lovely ladies next week!  She is a "Pin Pal" from Tennessee that is coming close enough to stop in!  I LOVE THAT!!!   

I really wish we could all get together, each person bringing their favorite "Pinterest recipe" and making some craft we find on Pinterest...  You know....have a "Pinterest Pin Pal Party"  HA!  How fun would that be?!  Anyone of my Pinterest friends live (or coming) near Atlanta??  I would love to meet you!


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