Today's Scripture

Saturday, June 9, 2012


This is one lesson I have learned about God...over and over.  There really isn't any point in worrying about tomorrow because the direction you are headed in today can change INSTANTLY without any warning!  

I suspect that when Ruth was following the guys reaping the harvest all she was hoping for was enough to support herself and Naomi....but God had other plans!

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 

I really felt awkward drawing this one because I have NO CLUE what either scene actually looked like ???  I feel like I need to explain what it actually is! How do you show a wedding back then???  I had to make it all up! So, just imagine that what you see is Ruth picking up wheat after the workers and she's marrying Boaz, the land owner, at the bottom!


  1. What a wonderful phrase..."a suddenly" God. And soooo true! I've seen it so many times, even in my own life. I remember back when she was in college, my daughter had a bumper sticker proclaiming her belief in the "big bang theory" said "God spoke and BANG it happened." He's like that!

    I love your illustration...I don't really care about the historical accuracy of the wedding scene, it conveys the spirit of the scripture in a lovely way. Good job!

  2. You are a sweet lady Texana! THANK YOU for "getting it" and making me feel better. Pretty clear that my insecurities are all over this one right? UGH! But, its the message I want to share so I have to put my pride on hold and just put it out there. God uses this sharing thing to keep me humble.

    I LOVE that bumper sticker...I may have to borrow that :-)
    OH! would you believe yesterday I tried to comment on one of your pictures and pinterest blocked my comment!!! I couldn't believe it! Apparently there is a set number of comments you can make before the system thinks you are spamming!!! WHO KNEW?!!! I had only commented twice but I had to delete one because I had misspelled a word (your instead of you're) ... so when I went to correct it I couldn't! ARGH!

    See you "out there"!



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