Today's Scripture

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lazy Man's Doodling

I have decided to start calling my blog the LAZY MAN DOODLE BLOG!  I have just not been in the doodling mood lately.  Not too sure what is up with that but I haven't wanted to do much of anything. So, today's doodle is brought to you by my PC and CorelDraw! 

ANYWAY, this morning I got the strangest email from Google that someone wanted me to share a .pdf file with about have to DIG DEEP to figure out what the heck!?  Well, 2.5 years ago I found a free online tool called Tartan Designer ...COOL TOOL!!  You can make a BAGILLION different plaids... if plaids float your boat.  Well, way back then I offered a free plaid alphabet on my other blog and that's what the person was asking for!  GO FIGURE!

Today, I went back to the site and played a bit more and made some purple and gold in honor of all my family back in Louisiana.


OH!  And, I have been meaning to mention that I LOVE to learn so I'm taking yet another online class. This one is from Candice Dillhoff

I don't usually share when I take a class because they are usually NOT WORTH THE MONEY!  I think some people get a little bit greedy and I don't try to sell their stuff for them.  But, today I share Candice's because it is just $25 for 12 lessons, 2 a week for 6 weeks.  We got our first lesson today...three separate videos with exercises to go with the last two.  Heck, just the printables make the class worth the money, I think.  So, if you have $25 to spare, come join the fun! Not to worry, it is self paced so you won't be too late.

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