Today I decided to redo some of the doodles I have done in the past with watercolor pencils but do them this time using the iPad.
2. My original little doodle (9/11/2011) of her using watercolor pencils
3. My re-doodle of #2 on the iPad (4/28/13)
4. On this one I decided to be a little more detailed and I used the original picture as my "paint pallet".... You do that by having a small version of the original photo open and holding the stylus down over the color you want, that will change your current working color to the one you want....kinda like having a pallet of all the colors you need only still in the shape of the picture. Now THAT is why all those "color combinations" on Pinterest are so important!... you have a built in color pallet that has colors that go good together, less thinking and frustration involved. And, its really nice to have the reference there so close.
Are you starting to see why I am recommending the Jot Pro Stylus?! You get so much more control over where a thin line actually goes. I still try to draw somethings with my finger and the line never goes where it should. Now, the finger is great for big wide stokes, like when you need to erase big areas, so I don't rule them out!
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