Today's Scripture

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Manipulating the Color

I can not begin to tell you how much time I spent yesterday trying to create a "real" looking watercolor brush in Procreate!!!  NOT POSSIBLE! (for me anyway)

So, I finally gave up and took the idea over to ArtRage.  I'm still not happy with it but there are just too many varibles and percentages to play around with and too little patience on my part to bother!

*** NOTE ***  See all that white space below the picture ^^^ , well, it isn't really there on the actual picture.  BlogGo is adding it... it is a bug in the software that I have reported and "it is being looked at"....  I really am liking BlogGo  but there are definitely some areas for improvement!  I have mentioned some to the developer and hopefully she will make them happen!  I replaced it with Blogger

ANYWAY!  Back on subject....

One thing I did do yesterday to help me see how things work in Procreate is to create a chart showing how changing a layer affects the layer underneath it.

Layer 1 is the solid green square
Layer 2 is showing how changing the layer to "Multiply", "Linear Burn", etc. shows up on that layer.  I used the same color green as the big square and wrote what I was doing ... see how it affects the color?  
Possible appications would be... if I draw a face on layer one, instead of coming up with a darker shade for contouring I can just create a layer above, use the same color and it will automatically produce a darker, or lighter version of the original.

Well heck, let's prove my point....

Not bad for someone who is COMPLETELY CLUELESS about how things SHOULD be done and who is just making it up as she goes huh?  I know I haven't discovered a new something, I've just discovered a new something FOR ME.


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