Today's Scripture

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NO! They Can't Take That Away From Me!

As usual when I start reading the Bible from the beginning, I can't get past Exodus.  I LOVE EXODUS!  (I think I've said that before)

I've been meditating a lot on the 10 Commandments and how far off we are from it now so I created a Pinterest Board and I think that I'm going to start a "series" on the 10 Commandments.

Challenge: How many ways I can show them? Here is something I did last night: 

Has anyone noticed how upset people are right now about the possibility of the government taking away their guns?  I have...and I find myself just as upset about, I don't own a gun, don't want one, but to be told I can't have it makes me a little crazy.  But, that isn't my point here... my point here is that I wish there were as many people as upset and vocal about the government forcing the 10 Commandments out. That makes me REALLY CRAZY!  I've been thinking about that a lot my answer to that is to put it everywhere I have control over.... hence the list to the right >>>

Another thing I've decided to do is make A BUNCH of 4 x 4 canvases and pass them out to anyone and everyone...waiters, mailman, store clerk, whoever!  But rather than being "in your face" with it I decided to say something on the front that I think is a "good word" but not controversial... but, I am putting the 10 Commandments on the back as a liner.  Here is my prototype:

I know, kinda sloppy, but I'll do better on the real deal....maybe, I have ordered 384 canvases so I need to be able to make them FAST!

Wondering why the number 384?  :-)  They sell them in packs of 24 and I bought as many as I had to to get the next price break...I'm all about price breaks.

Here is what I ordered from Dick Blick to get the ball rolling....

Item Item Detail Price Qty Subtotal
07015-1044 DB ECONO CANVS PANEL - 4INX4IN 24/PK $2.51 16 $40.16
19900-1129 SHARPIE BRUSH MARKER - ASSRTD 12/SET $15.26 1 $15.26
21383-0089 SHARPIE CHISEL TIP - 8 COLOR SET $7.05 2 $14.10
21383-2020 SHARPIE CHISEL TIP - BLACK $.95 12 $11.40

Check out the price of the canvases!  That's a little over 10 cents a piece!  Not a bad price for so many RAKs....and putting the 10 Commandments "out there".

I know, its a bit of overkill on the markers, but I was going for the the price break AND I don't know how many it will take for that many canvases!

Let me know if you want to do something like this and I'll send you the 10 Commandments liner file.

I get the order tomorrow, so excited.

The 10 Commandments... NO, they can't take THAT away from me!

I would LOVE more ideas/help for getting it out there.

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