Today's Scripture

Sunday, May 27, 2012

So? What's the Hold Up???


You have to read all of Isaiah 30 to get the answer. 

I have a long story about this that I want to write down so I don't forget it... It was a "God story".  I'm afraid it will be rather wordy so you may not want to even bother!

Saturday night May 26th before I laid down to go to sleep (on my sofa, that's where I sleep because I like the back support) I reached behind one of the cushions and found a notepad that I made two or three years ago (at least).  On the front I had put this scripture...Isaiah 30:18.... 

I remember when I did it really liking the idea that the Lord REALLLY wants to be gracious to us.  I put it on the coffee table and went to sleep.  A little later a friend called and woke me up.... After talking a while I laid back down to go back to sleep...but this time I couldn't get my mind off that scripture.... OK, if He longs to do it, that sounds like He wants to but can't ???? wonder why ??? .... I couldn't stand it, or go to sleep, so I sat back up and got my Bible to read the whole chapter 30.  OH MY GOODNESS!!!  It was like I was reading about Christians in America!  I have been heartsick for at least 5 years over the direction I see Christians going and this scripture just sent off all kinds of alarms!  I even called my friend back I was so excited to tell her! (but SHEEEE was asleep!!!)

Now, back up a bit, last week I was really sick about it (you can probably tell by how my doodles have taken a more serious tone) and I decided... THAT'S IT!  I'm done with secular TV!  I have to stop wasting time and get into the Word and start getting as much as possible, as quickly as possible, because the future I see isn't pretty.  I just discovered last week that Kay Arthur comes on one of the free Christian stations on my Roku so I started watching her.  I then went online and discovered that there is a whole years worth of her teachings available FOR FREE!  She is currently teaching Philippians so I started there.

OK, back to last night.... I wondered if any of the teachings that were free were on Isaiah ... Chapter 30, I got up (forget sleeping!) and came up here to see what I could find.  As it turns out there were FOUR MONTHS LEFT on Isaiah!... 58 shows!!!...all on Isaiah! but I had "missed" the first 59 shows! (there are 117 total on Isaiah!) they were already gone off the list.... apparently as they add one this year they drop the oldest from last year.  When I started looking I didn't notice the scriptures that were being covered in the show, she uses catchy titles instead.... so, there are 59 shows, how in the world was I going to find Isaiah 30 ... if it was still there?  So, I just picked one because her son was teaching and I was curious about his teaching style.... Isaiah 50...nope.  Then I decided to check out the one that was going to disappear soon (wasn't sure when)... by now it is about 11:25pm.  

OK, so I start the very last show on the list...and the first words she says once she starts teaching is "Remember, this week our theme is Isaiah  30:18, The Lord Longs to be Gracious To You"!!!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!  So I knew then that whatever she had to say was a God word for me and I needed to pay close attention.  She said it was critical that all women "put on sackcloth" beat our chest and beseech the Lord to bring a revival because punishment was on the way if the Christians didn't turn from their wicked ways!!!  

Isaiah 32: 9-13

You women who are so complacent,

    rise up and listen to me;

you daughters who feel secure, 

    hear what I have to say!
In little more than a year 
    you who feel secure will tremble;
the grape harvest will fail, 
    and the harvest of fruit will not come.
Tremble, you complacent women;
    shudder, you daughters who feel secure! 
Strip off your fine clothes 
    and wrap yourselves in rags. 
Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields,
    for the fruitful vines 
and for the land of my people,
    a land overgrown with thorns and briers 
yes, mourn for all houses of merriment
    and for this city of revelry.  ....

The really cool thing about her being on Chapter 32 and not 30 was that He gave me the "to-do".... I have been feeling so helpless and hopeless!  And, not only that, this lesson helped to validate my feelings for the last five years!  I have gone from happy-go-lucky to painfully serious and I have felt like chicken little screaming "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!"...... but, it really is.

I watched the whole show then called my friend in Nashville to tell her what had happened.  As I was calling I went to the download screen to download the transcript of the show.  Then I realized I wanted to send her the link to the show so she could watch... it was GONE!  NO LONGER AVAILABLE!!!  I had watched it past midnight and it dropped off as soon as I finished!!!  Now, please.... was I suppose to watch that show or what?!  I was ASLEEP!  for the night!!!  Thankfully I did get the transcript so I was able to send that to her...and I could read it again and again.

If you have gotten this far in all these words and you would like a copy of the transcript please contact me and I'll be happy to send it to you.  I don't dare put it on my site because I don't think I can legally do that.

I do plan to call them Tuesday to see if I can get the actual DVD with the show but it isn't available in their store yet.

Just FYI, I also learned last night that even though you can't download the show you can download a MP3 version for FREE!!!  So, I spent hours last night doing that!  YES!  Who needs secular TV?!

ANYWAY!  I'm sorry, I just had to document it somewhere ..... and, I did warn you :-)  

OH!  and I this was not at all the drawing I wanted to do for the scripture but I ran out of day before I started doing anything so I had to so something quick.  I'll get back with another, more relevant something later.


  1. Hi Nancy!!.......I just found your blog thru Pinterest...and I love it!! Your art....lettering is amazing...AND now I find that you like Precepts??? wooooo-hoooo!!! Precepts is an amazing way to study the Bible and when I discovered it a few years ago, it changed my life. So I am very glad to hear someone promoting Precepts...which is ALLLL about growing in God's word. Thanks for sharing it on your blog.

    1. Hi Melodie! Well, you can probably tell I'm just starting. I got my Inductive Bible in the mail today! LOVE! LOVE IT! I wish I had started YEARS ago. I want to know it all...NOW! Don't know if you browsed around but, I want to draw everything I read so this could take a while...hoping I can be satisfied with a triangle for God. Hummmmm.... Great to know there is someone out that that can answer some questions for me when I get stumped :-)
      THANKS for stopping by and saying "Hi"! Please do again. n.

  2. I learn so much from your posts...and how providential-- when we actually LISTEN to the Lord, good things come our way.

  3. hey Sweet Texana! Love it when you pop in, thanks for letting me know you came by. I learn something with every post I do :-)



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