Today's Scripture

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New BOUND Art Journal

That's right, I bought myself a new BOUND journal to doodle in today!  It is hard back book with 102 BLANK pages just waiting to be filled. Can I just say how intimidating that is?!  The good news is, it was cheap...only $ its not a huge deal if I mess something up...BUT, it is bound and meant to stay intact.... no more grabbing a quick sheet of paper and if I don't like it, toss it.  I actually rarely do that because there is always something on the page I like and want to keep...but those pages are for my eyes only :-)... Hummmm...

So, how to start???  I just bit the bullet and turned to the first blank page and drew the top circle.  Easy enough, no big deal.  Then I start watching an English mini-series on Netflix called "Colour Blind".  There is a scene with the main character, a beautiful black girl, wearing a hat that I just loved, so I decided I needed to try and draw that.  MAN!  I really wish I could express how little faith I have in my abilities to draw.  So everything I do REALLY is a major stretch in my confidence!  But, thanks to some REALLY SWEET ladies on Pinterest pinning some of my things I have managed to keep pushing ahead... Yada, yada, yada... get to the picture already nancy!

Not terrible, right?  Wellllll...hold the bus, check the hair and the hat out... where is all that hair coming from???  I meant it to be bushy but I got carried away and put it above the rim of the hat.... and there really should be some hint of ears there somewhere!   ....  GROAN!  Of course I noticed all that after I was way beyond the point of no return.... GROAN!

So, I decided then and there that for this journal I am going to change things as best I can with CorelPaint.  And this is the result....

All better!  I just used the paint brush to paint out what shouldn't be there and then the cloning tool to copy some of the curls back into places they should be  HA! Or course that does nothing for the BOUND version!  Except I printed out the fix and will glue it down across from the goobered up one.  And that will be the plan for the whole book... see, if I can FIX "IT"!

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