Today's Scripture

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Some people like hearts, well, I like circles... and dots.  And, I LOVE tins, all kinds, but I mostly have round ones... And I mean TONS of them.  I'm that person.  You know the one, the one that believes if 1 is good then I need 50!  And I have the house to prove it.  I thought about taking pictures of the boxes of tins I have EVERYWHERE, but that would take too long and you have probably figured out by now that I don't spend much time at any one task....and that includes writing blogs. :-)  Sorry.

But anyway, to the point.  Because I have so many tins, I need round labels so this week I decided to doodle in the round.  I printed out some circles on paper and just always, without a just had to be in the round...

Here ya go:  These are not intended to be free printables!!  I SAVED THEM IN 72 NOT 300 to reduce file size so they will be grainy and ugly when printed.  Sorry, they were just doodles, I didn't figure anyone would want them!  And I don't know where the originals are so I can't resave...SORRY!.

I know I've mentioned this before, but I feel like I need to again since there are so many mistakes... I like drawing with a pencil first.  I'm not too sure why that is...well, sure I do...its about that short attention span I mentioned earlier.... I don't want to take the time to do it again, I want to go on to the next thing.... And THAT is why I have started FOURTEEN different Blogs in less than two years and I'm not an expert at anything :-( ... Everyday now, I wish I had focused on one thing over all these many years so that I could be the BEST at something.  Remember that, if you are a young person, to be really great at something you have to FOCUS on ONE THING!!

OK! OK!  Back to the point.  As I was scanning these for the blog I decided to try and use them for something.  

Hummmmmm..... I'm starting to think now that it would be better to start with the middle and THEN make the frame, but, who knows, we'll see.

I actually really like the next one, but, if I were doing it for real I would definitely "draw" the font in instead of using a "canned font"!  But, that's for another day.  I have a wedding guestbook and 280 buttons for a class reunion to make today and I have stalled long enough!


  1. Very cute. I love those circle designs. They seem to match your personality.

  2. thanks Cindy... its true...much more than hearts! HA! wonder what that says about me???

  3. How can I buy a copy of the circles?



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