Today's Scripture

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Went to Dick Blick yesterday and came home with more markers...head hanging in shame...

Now, on the subject of markers, I have managed to get at least a few of several brands and I now have favorites.... sit down for this.... but the Copic is my LEAST favorite one!  I am so confused by people's obsession with the TOO EXPENSIVE markers!  They bleed through the paper (HATE THAT) and did I mention they are TOO EXPENSIVE!!!

Anyway, let me get off my bandwagon and tell you the ones I do love and why.

1. ZIG Brushables... LOVE because they have two GREAT brushes with a lighter/darker version of the color!  LOVE THAT, because I can shade using the same pen... the only problem is they only offer 24 colors (or 48 if you count the double colors)  They are really hard to find,  (in other words, you can't use your 40% off coupons for these)  I got mine from for $2.54 each... I'll admit, I don't love paying even that much for a marker, but, like I said it is my favorite.

2. Stampn'Up! because everything matches everything else...and they have a good brush end, and you can refill them (major plus!) I haven't bought any in AGES but I'm sure they are as good as ever.

3.Tombow Dual Brush Pens ... Great, vibrant colors and good brush tip... easiest found at Dick Blick $2.13 online, $2.59 in the store.... that's right, WAY cheaper to order online!

I did this today using mostly Tombows:

I guess I need to add another part to MY definition of doodling...and that would be, its not perfect (probably one of the hardest things for me to follow!  But the goal for anything I'm doing these days to be FAST and that messes up the need for perfection. And, well heck, its a DOODLE!

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