Today's Scripture

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Didn't Feel Like Drawing...Hybrid

On Monday I bid and "won" (HA!) a set of "Pastel" Tombow Brush markers on Ebay and they came in today.  I can't believe I even bid on them because I am so NOT a "pastel" lover!  But, I did, and I I decided that I would force myself to use them on something.  I really wasn't in the mood to draw today anything so I  went HERE and printed out this chicken:

My number one rule was that I could only use the new markers  (and black and white OF COURSE) and I had to use all of them.  I was pleasantly surprised when all but one color was brighter than expected.... this is what I ended up with:

I'm embarrassed to admit that I also bid on a set of 72 Marvey Le Plume markers and won those too!!! FOR SHAME!!!  But I got them for $43.05+ !!! THAT is a GREAT DEAL! The same thing would have cost me $155.70+ at Dick Blick online!  Whew....OK, feeling better about the purchase now...Confession really is good for the soul :-)

I think YOU should go print a chicken out and see what you come up with!  Coloring is a good thing.  If you do PLEASE comment with a link so I can see...

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