Today's Scripture

Friday, January 10, 2020


It has been a very very long time since I posted because quite frankly I haven't done much doodling. BUT, I just got an iPad in December and I've been learning how to draw on a piece of glass...try it, it isn't easy! I have done plenty of praticing but no results that worth posting here!

ANYWAY, I use a package called Procreate that is a crazy awesome tool.  Earlier in the week, because of all that is going on in the world (Iran stuff) I felt an urgency to one more time again say PEOPLE GET READY!  JESUS IS COMING!!!  and the Lord gave me an idea of how to say it:

But, I wasn't thrilled with the results....I knew what I wanted but I didn't know how to make it happen.

Weeeeeellll.... enters the Holy Spirit ....

This morning I woke up and I KNEW how to make it happen!  No thinking about it, I just knew... GOD IS SO COOL!!!!   here ya go:

The first one wasn't urgent enough, I wanted Him lining the piece up putting it in place!  Because that is exactly what is happening right now!  If we aren't seeing Ezekiel 39/39 happening right before our very eyes then ????!!!!  He is lining the piece up!

If you want to understand how Iran fits into the end times then start following Jack Hibbs on YouTube.  He is a pastor in California and explains it better than anyone I have heard.  This was his sermon last Sunday where he explains it:


  1. Love this! Yes He is coming soon! Was just wondering if there is a place to buy your Polly woolly doodle don’t?? Have looked but can’t fin it thanks!

  2. Hi Regina! I am so sorry that I'm just seeing this! I come here so rarely that I'm shocked when anyone else finds it! THANK YOU for your sweet comment!.. Was it the font you wanted? I need to look and see where things are now. The company I had the font on has changed the plan since I used them and I just never did anything about it.



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