Today's Scripture

Saturday, February 16, 2013

YES!!!! I FINALLY Made Some Money On My Blog!!!

I am SO EXCITED!!!  I actually made $2.80 this month because someone linked to Amazon from my site and bought something!  It was the SlideWriter for $69.99... I got $2.80 of that!

Did you know that is how folks make money on their blogs? I don't know about all the ads you see on different sites, they may be different...The only one I know about is Amazon, because they make it so easy to add a link.  If you are going to buy something anyway from Amazon, whatever, doesn't even have to be the item listed.... and you link to Amazon through a posted item on anyone's blog...the blogger gets credit for all your purchases.  They have me blocked from getting credit for what I buy through my own blog, so it is certainly no skin off my nose if I go to someone else's blog that has an Amazon link so they will get credit!  It costs me nothing but they get a little... So, WHY NOT!

Please keep that in mind when you are shopping online, or reading someone's blog that you them out a little.  Just click through to Amazon and buy what you need. It won't cost you anything and you bless the person that gives so much through their sharing.  Its a FREE RAK!

Doing the happy dance!  Who knew that $2.80 could make me so happy?!!!  THANK YOU to the person who did it!  Don't know who you are but I really appreciate it!


  1. I have gotten a couple hundred dollars from amazon because I link in products I use and recommend. You can also try commission junction or google adsense.

    1. THANKS Marcia! MAN! I need to do more of it, but I don't use that many different things on this blog. I'll look into Commission Junction. I just don't want to bury everything inside a bunch of ads. I tried that for a while and I made nothing so they were getting a lot of free advertising. (but now I'm motivated! $2.80 in over two years! HA!



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