Today I wanted to show that even though I haven't been posting a lot lately I've still been doodling (in stages). So, rather than show pictures of every page I decided to do something a little different.... I showed you one of my doodle books in a video! Ever learning as I was the first time video with this particular camera so I wasn't sure how the sound would come out. It was my first time with the tripod and it was casting a shadow and the strap fell down into view without me knowing until I was finished!(ARGH!).... AND, I wasn't zoomed in enough to really see any of the actual drawings that well but, I did A LOT of talking!
I know, I am clearly "copying" other people's work... but not maliciously, I hope. I really am just doing it because I LOVE what I see and I want to see if I can draw it... with a pen. I won't be selling any of it, it is my way of practicing and ending up with a "happy book" to enjoy myself.
I mentioned borders about two dozen times but never explained that I am always looking for a way to fill white space so when I see a zentangle, or a cake design, or whatever that has a design in it that I think I might be able to use later inside something I am doing I will pull that little piece out and doodle it. Cake decorators are MASTERS at lacy borders!
Here are some of the pictures I talked about in the video, which is at the bottom.

The video: ... get ready, I sound some kinda country on it! will seem a little choppy because I had to cut 7 minutes out of it to get it saved to YouTube.
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