Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (John 1:12-13)
Today I decided that I wanted to do everything sitting here at my computer...while I go to church online (I listen better when my hands are busy)... I picked up a piece of card-stock and pencil, prayed about the scripture and within seconds began to draw. Went over the drawing with a Thin Sharpie, erased pencil ... Done!
It wasn't until I went to scan it that I realized I had used a piece that had something printed on the back! WHOOPS!
About the picture:
- I put the words "Child of God" on each person's forehead because in II Corinthians 1:22 and Ephesians 1:13 it says that when we accept Jesus we are sealed. I LOVE THAT!!! Satan can't put his number seal on our forehead because we already have something there!! WHOOHOO!!! (thing is, I'm guessing the location, it doesn't really say where we are sealed)
- I show Jesus sitting at a table inside each heart to show that He knocked, and they opened their hearts to him and he took up residence in their the form of the Holy Spirit of course, because we all know Jesus is sitting on the edge of his throne at the right hand of God ...ready to jump up at any moment to COME GET US!!! YES!!! I can just see him...looking at his watch and at God saying ... "Can I go now?! Isn't it time? I'm ready!" Okay, he isn't really looking at his watch but he is getting excited I bet!
Now, I'll probably go downstairs and color it, cause you know I love to color :-)
Later today... 1st I tried watercolor ... way too muted, then I added marker especially to the large heart to make it darker. I first colored the inside of the heart a darker red and thought. THAT'S NOT RIGHT! Gotta I scanned and changed it to yellow and made some other minor changes to the black guys face...I know, it doesn't look good... but I couldn't control my mouse well enough to do a better job. And then I cropped some of the heart...I just like things going off the page better sometimes.