This morning I was sitting at my computer and saw a beautiful tag someone had created using lots of rubber stamps (about $45 worth) and I wanted to remember the "idea" of it. So, I went to my printer, my first source of paper and I'M OUT!!! So, I reached behind me and grabbed the first book I could lay my hands on. My first thought was to just doodle anywhere but then I realized I might actually want to read that particular book sometime so I went to the acknowledgement page.....
The stamped version was much prettier and different but I'm satisfied, I got the "doodle itch" scratched in 10 minutes time. Draw it with a black Micron pen, color with watercolor pencils then swish some water using a water filled brush. DONE! .... well, done enough to suit my needs which was remember the leaves on swills idea and to get pen to paper... :-)